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Daily Hope and Inspiration with Pastor Mark

Spiritually filled positive thoughts and actions to help start the day the right way!

Writer's picturePastor Mark Farley


These are powerful words requiring individual efforts and actions that lead to amazing and blessed results. 

I get caught up in my own head at times and begin to think that folks are SUPPOSED TO KNOW what I want or need. 

Now, maybe it’s different for you, but when this doesn’t happen I then begin to get resentful and wonder why they are ignoring me. 

It’s the same with our relationship with Christ. 

Even though God knows our thoughts even before we form them, ..

He still needs us to participate with our will, words, and actions in order to give us what we need or get us to where we need to be. 

How’s that working out for you? 

Are you asking, seeking, and providing the effort and actions to make your needs known to God? … 

Check your experience… 

“We found that God does not make too hard terms with those who seek Him.” Big Book pg. 46 

Lord, let us be willing in our hearts to provide the needed actions, efforts, and words to do our part and be in Your will, AMEN. 

“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.” Matthew 7:7 

Have a blessed day Y’all! 

What if you had a person who coached and mentored you in building a better life? 

Inspired 365 Life Coaching with Mark Farley!!

Want a one-on-one coach to get you out of where you are? 

Email today and let’s chat to see if we can make up a plan for you to get you to where you want to be! 

Writer's picturePastor Mark Farley

How’s your footing?..

Sometimes we find ourselves on rocky, cluttered, or unstable paths as we try to walk. 

When we encounter these challenges we usually become a bit more wary of each step and sometimes consider changing our path. 

We don’t necessarily need to change the goal or the destination, but perhaps change the way we are trying to get there. 

We can and will encounter some unstable paths in our Spiritual walk as well. 

It’s in those times we can look to the Holy Spirit to guide us and set us on a clear and more stable path instead of trying to seek an easier, softer way on our own. 

How do you find firm footing spiritually?..

Check your experience… 

“Established on such a footing we became less and less interested in ourselves, our little plans and designs.” Big Book pg. 63

Lord, let us look to You to establish our footing when we find ourselves on shaky ground, AMEN. 

“You cleared the ground under me so my footing was firm.” 2 Samuel 22:37

Have a blessed day Y’all! 

Join me in looking at the things we face daily with passages from both the Big Book and Bible! 

 How about a daily dose of hope and inspired thought? 

Writer's picturePastor Mark Farley

 Love is all you need…. 

We have answers and solutions and fixes for just about everything imaginable these days. 

The internet, TV, and most brick-and-mortar retail stores have the ability to sell packaged solutions to almost any need. I like that “flabs to abs” idea, but I hear - tell that ultimately it really requires providing the willingness and effort to eat right and exercise. 

I am sure it’s the same for almost any other challenge or situation we face. 

To get better it requires our participation and willingness to either change or participate. 

The bottom line involved in any interaction, positive or negative, is that spiritual emotion or state of being that we all are born with, which is love. 

If we can bring our love to the situation or task at hand, the Holy Spirit within us can then participate with us and guide us to the healthy outcome we seek. 

Are you bringing your spiritual love to your situations?.. 

Check your experience… 

“Patience, tolerance, understanding, and love are the watchwords.” Big Book pg. 118 

Lord, let us bring the love in our hearts, supplied by Your Spirit into every situation we face, both good and bad, AMEN. 

“Love takes everything that comes without giving up. Love believes all things. Love hopes for all things. Love keeps on in all things. Love never comes to an end.” 1 Corinthians 13: 7-8 

Have a blessed day Y’all! 

What if you had a person who coached and mentored you in building a better life? 

Inspired 365 Life Coaching with Mark Farley!!

Want a one-on-one coach to get you out of where you are? 

Email today and let’s chat to see if we can make up a plan for you to get you to where you want to be! 

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