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Daily Hope and Inspiration with Pastor Mark

Spiritually filled positive thoughts and actions to help start the day the right way!

Writer's picturePastor Mark Farley

Some loaves and a few fish...

Sometimes when worldly needs and demands pile up we can begin to feel overwhelmed with responsibilities and requests that our minds have a hard time wrapping our heads around. 

When our heads do the math, it doesn’t always add up causing fear and anxiety. 

Just remember, if it is God’s will, it will happen, perhaps not the way we imagine, but it will happen. 

Just look at the 4000 Jesus fed with 7 loaves and few fish! … 

"Our ideas did not work, but the God idea did." Big Book pg. 52


Lord, let us bring our needs, wants, and desires to You in prayer and pray to WANT what we get and not to GET what we think we want! AMEN. 

“Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.” Philippians 4:6 

Have a blessed day Y'all! 

What if you had a person who coached and mentored you in building a better life?  

Inspired 365 Life Coaching with Mark Farley!! 

Want a one-on-one coach to help you achieve your goals?  

Email today and let’s chat to see if we can make up a plan for you to get you to where you want to be!

Writer's picturePastor Mark Farley

We gotta put it on...

Have you ever noticed that we have to make many choices daily? 

We decide what clothes to wear, what foods to eat and even the routes to take to get us from place to place. 

Some requires a lot of thought and some very little, but either way we have to give it our thoughts and make our choice. 

It's the same in our Spiritual life. 

Even though we are saved and promised eternal life when we take Jesus as our Lord and Savior, He still gives us the free will to choose our Spiritual walk daily. 

So how is that working out for you? 

Are you choosing to put on your Spiritual Armor daily and walk in His path? ..

Check your experience...

"walk day by day in the path of spiritual progress." Big Book pg. 100 

 Lord, let us put on Your Spiritual Armor daily and walk covered and protected, AMEN. 

"..and you must put on the new self, which is created in God's likeness and reveals itself in the true life that is upright and holy.” Ephesians 4:24 

Have a blessed day Y'all! 

What if you had a person who coached and mentored you in building a better life? 

Inspired 365 Life Coaching with Mark Farley!!

Want a one-on-one coach to get you out of where you are? 

Email today and let’s chat to see if we can make up a plan for you to get you to where you want to be! 

Writer's picturePastor Mark Farley

Another type of "Book Learnin'"... 

We go to school for 12 or more years to get our education. 

Most of us get some sort of on-the-job training from our employers. 

A lot of us get many educational lessons from the school of hard knocks. 

And a few of us get ongoing education from our Big Book and its daily 12 Step practices. 

But what about Spiritual learning? 

I have yet to see it on any applications in the working world. 

The lessons I am finally learning in life come from the Bible and being in God's will and Word daily. 

Maybe it's different for you, but my wisdom comes from applying the words in God's Book to my life. 

... Check your experience. ... 

"There had been a humble willingness to have Him with me and He came. But soon the sense of His presence had been blotted out by worldly clamors, mostly those within myself. And so it has been ever since. How blind I had been." Big Book pg. 12&13 

Lord let us walk daily in Your Will and Word to gain the wisdom we need, AMEN. 

"But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure and full of quiet gentleness.  Then it is peace-loving and courteous. It allows discussion and is willing to yield to others; it is full of mercy and good deeds. It is wholehearted and straightforward and sincere." James 3:17 

 Have a blessed day y’all! 

Join me in looking at the things we face daily with passages from both the Big Book and Bible! 

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